Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Kathmandu to Chitwan highway!!

We were collected at 6:30 AM in a minibus Accompanied by our good friend Major Lil Bahadur Gurung PHF, President of the Rotary Club of the Himalayan Gurkhas Kathmandu. (RCHGK)

The journey from Kathmandu to Chitwan was to meet our host also from the RCHGK Captain Ash PHF  Rotarian from the Kathmandu club who were sponsoring the computer scheme at the SS C.

I had travelled the road three times in the past so it is best described by Duncan on this occasion. "208 km (130 miles) in six hours. In many parts the road was unmade and with high volumes of traffic at times and deep ravines on either side hairpin bends, three lanes of traffic coming towards you on occasions" seems to sum it up quite well. (See YouTube for further information)

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