Saturday 9 February 2013


John Proud and Duncan Davison  are Rotarians from the Rotary club of Northallerton in North Yorkshire, district 1040. The together with their wives they have been friends for nearly a quarter of a century.

Former Round Table members from Northallerton 341 they enjoy golf, whisky, foreign travel, the their families and above all else a challenge  (in no particular order).

Duncan is an agronomist (Cereal Killer) working for BCS Agriculture and he is looking forward to the trip enormously.

John is a Local Government Officer for Hambleton District Council and this will be his third trip to Nepal, his first being in 2011. Initially John  and three fellow Rotarians provided commissioned and trained staff in the use of computers and software at the Shree Bir Lower Secondary School, at Rithepani near Pokhara.

The main purpose of this forthcoming visit is to install 15 new desktop PCs and refurbish five existing computers to current standards on an internal network. Fortunately the school at Smarak employs a teacher who has IT skills.

John visited this school with his son Mike and other members of the project team in 2012 where they received at extremely generous welcome.

In addition to Smarak, Duncan and John will also visit a new school who have requested assistance to receive 10 computers and associated infrastructure for their school. This is a mini adventure within the whole project as we are unaware of the details. They also intend to revisit and audit the systems are to Rithepani and meet with old friends.

As you can imagine we have been and continue to be extremely well supported by our friends from the Rotary club of the Himalayan Gurkhas Kathmandu in particular Rotarians Major Lil, Captain Ash and Narayan.

There itinerary is flexible but in essence they planned to leave England from Manchester airport on the evening of Tuesday, 12 February 2013. There are flying to Kathmandu via Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirate's and they will be met in Nepal on the afternoon of the 13th February by our good friend Narayan.

Both John and Duncan are extremely grateful for the help and support they have been given by their fellow Rotarians in the Northallerton Rotary Club. Duncan has also been generously supported by his customers and this has the allowed us to boost the funding of this project by over £2000.

Best wishes

John and Duncan

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