Saturday 23 February 2013

Shaheed Smarak College Chitwan

Travelled from Rithepani to Chitwan

Arrived in the dark and welcomed by Capt Ash and his driver!!

Later we were entertained with food and songs around an open fire with Maj Lil leading the chorus.
Thankfully neither Jp of DD were invited to join in!!

Born to dance!! Er, no!

Er, YES!!

Friends and neighbours.

Backing group on chairs......

Up early mushroom soup, boiled egg, bread and boiled unknown starchy root vegetable!
To school puncture 300 yd walk to the start of the procession?
Civic welcome was indescribable!

Chrishna, Maj Lil, Capt Ash, Duncan and John

We were greeted and entertained for 3 hours plus reception including the opportunity to award prizes of books for the top students.  This included a prize for the basketball team almost entirely comprised of  Gurung players.
Time was now short so after the formal handover of Computer’s our work began.

The Principal - a thoroughly decent and committed man.

The computer room is on the third level steps and metal stairs mean no DDA here!
Duncan set about unpacking and setup the new pcs whilst I got on with reviewing the old ones.
Ahh! No CDrw and cables missing out of most.

Other problems – power drops out or spike and no ups! Long gaps when generator required and work lost.

Went shopping with Captain Ash to buy tomato and chicken!
Cooked meal chicken in tomato onion and garlic on the home open fire– no one died

Rose early at 5am Duncan already awake
After 4 coffees and a cold shower Duncan went outside for breakfast.
Bekash then brought Johns water which was hot!! Duncan was DELIGHTED.......

Soup pancakes egg and toast – delicious.
NO School today – Saturday
By car driven by Captain Ash to purchase 5 dvd rw, cables and attendant bits
After visits to two shops without stock we left for Chitwan national park and an elephant ride.
Half way through the Elephant safari it started to rain reverentially and canoe ride was abandoned.

Called for emergency collection from the shallow end of the car park via Maj Lil in Pokhara.
The misted windows in the vehicle coupled with the road to our temporary home made for the MOST frightening journey to date!! Again no one died.

Sunday is a normal working day in Nepal. What started as a lovely sunshine day turned into a monsoon day.  At the school’s and unregulated supply of electricity which can be anything from okay to spiked feel completely without warning. The generator is far more reliable and gives a regulated supply however, with the thunder and lightning storm the supply was flaky to say the least.  With us both frustrated by the random closure of machines and the storm the machines were unplugged and the work abandoned for the day.
After an excellent night’s sleep we rose to a warm shower and the pleasant comments from Bikas the house boy.
Monday was democracy day in Nepal but we continued to school again taxied by the delightful Captain Ash. (Good going forward scary going backwards!)
At lunchtime we made a short walk in the village to a roadside cafe where we enjoyed chapatti and vegetable curry with a side order of pakora.
Work continued in the afternoon with great progress made. 
Tuesday arrived and after a sumptuous breakfast as usual we travelled to the school and continue to install software. There was a number of scary issues not least of which when six of our computers were hit with a virus (unknown) fortunately, we were able to inoculate them using Duncan’s memory pen, after we’d wiped it of the virus.
Wednesday  We had agreed to rise early but was unable to dig Duncan out of his bed until a pitiful 4:30 AM! We worked with the network engineer until 12 noon completing 99.9% of all installations and agreed to pass on details of security and passwords to the IT teacher by email.

Job done

Whilst setting up Skype on "Teacher's" PC John logged in to his own account for testing.
The assembled group were very impressed when his 83 yr old mum made contact on Skype to say hello!!
The system worked well!!

We quickly made our final trip to the chapatti lady in the Main Street and has a light lunch before returning to Captain Ash’s House.

We said our farewells and on moving out of the garden towards the waiting vehicle to take us to Pokhara  we were surprised by an assembly of neighbours and friends who would met earlier. They had gathered to say goodbye.

Following photographs and handshakes we set off on another gruelling trip on the Nepal roads. (Thankfully with several stops!)

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