Saturday 23 February 2013

Rithepani School

Duncan and I arrived at Rithepani school (my first school) at around 12:30 PM after the scary drive down the Chitwan highway.

The civic reception we were to enjoy was, as usual unbelievable. With garlands and sashes and firm confident handshakes we walked down at least 300 yards of smiling faces all bearing gifts of flowers or foliage.

Our reception was hosted by the chairman of the School committee Captain Danbahadur Gurung.

John and Hemchandra look at some changes.

School photo with teachers and management team

This was only a brief visit (by Nepal standards!!)with a promise to return in around a week.

As you can see they were very pleased to see us!!

Having said our farewells to Maj Lil he set off back to Kathmandu to meet the other team of Yorkshire Rotarians arriving from the UK.

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