Sunday 24 February 2013

Fishtail and Rithepani

With a taxi ride booked for 5.30am Duncan and I set off to the viewing platform and selling cot. Once again another scary ride up the hill to a newly formed a car park and the usual group of local men trying to earn a crust by guiding visitors the  hundred yards to the viewing platform.


Although we had had an early start the world and its wife was already there and waiting for the sun to rise and the beautiful views of the mountains.

Could you ever tier of this view??

We returned to the hotel with our new found taxi driving friend in time to enjoy breakfast and find that from the top floor we could see the view that would just seen from the viewing platform.

It was magnificent!! 

Then we waited for the arrival of the deputy head teacher from Rithepani, Hemchandra who was one of the original student teachers two years before..

Hemchandra was early by Nepal standards but was still late by 30 minutes!

I was delighted to see that his taxi driver was Min Gurung. Min was the original taxi driver from the first project and had been superb in his ability to avoid all oncoming overtaking cross bearing vehicles and pedestrians two years previously. Arriving at the school I commented that he hadn't lost the skills.

We were only at the school a couple of hours but an audit of all computers and update of the antivirus software was carried out.  All outstanding issues identified by Hemchandra and the other three teachers Jyoti, Kalpana and Mina were resolved.

Throughout the process,  all the original teachers were in attendance and enthusiastic about developments in computing.

They are without doubt a credit to the project and to their school.

Hemchandra considers the effect of Yorkshire price negotiators!! 

Following a brief farewell we returned to Pokhara new road where it Duncan and I purchased for the school a flatbed scanner and 10 more mice for use in the computer studies room.

Rtn Maj Bhimbahadur Gurung is our contact for a project proposal in Majhthana a settlement in the opposite side of Rithepani.

It was good to meet up with Maj Bhm again in our hotel.  We agreed to meet him at 7am the following morning in order to see the school IT class before the power was withdrawn around 9.30.

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